How is it possible that you can fund so many losing traders and stay in business - isn’t it too good to be true?

The Fund4Trader project relies on the trading data from a wide range of traders with different approaches, strategies and ability. This data drives our risk management and automated trading strategies. The more trader data we have, the better our behavioural models, the more we are able to manage risk and the more traders get promoted to provide better returns alongside our AI.

What methods can I make payment for the subscription fee?

We accept neteller and Bitcoin. If you wish to use another payment method, please contact us.(

Do I need to provide documents before joining?

We would need documents that certify the following details: 1. Full name 2. Proof of address 3. Proof of ID (passport or licence) 4. Phone Number 5. Email address which will be associated with your trading account

How does Fund4Trader make money?

Fund4Trader makes money by operating a risk and funding matrix. The majority of traders are at the bottom of the matrix and receive the least funds and generate the most behavioural data. At the other end of the matrix are the fewest traders and our behavioural AI which receive the most funds.

Are you FCA regulated?

We do not hold clients’ money or trade for the public. We are not brokers and do not require FCA regulation. All our traders’ funded accounts are held by our FCA regulated broker.

What are your trading terms and conditions?

The Fund4Trader platform is driven by trader data and behavioural risk management models. To that end we impose the absolute minimum restrictions on trading strategy and styles. The trading terms and conditions are a function of our risk management and must be followed by all traders. Please read the terms and conditions for your subscription package before trading. Terms and conditions

How long does it take for my account to be set up?

We will normally complete the process of creating and funding your account within one business day assuming you provide all required documentation when requested. Verification and funding are completed between 24-48 hours.

What happens once I have made my payment?

Once you make payment, we will collect information about you and then open your account at the broker. We will then fund the account and you will be sent account login details and MT4 installation link. You must read our terms and conditions carefully and start trading.

What currency pairs am I allowed to trade?


Do you suspend my trading account if I lose a certain amount of money?

If your account is in deficit by 10%, you will be required to stop trading. Your account will be reviewed and recommendations made. We may allow you to refinance or we may recommend that you stop.

How important are your trading terms and conditions?

The Fund4Trader platform is driven by trader data and behavioural risk management models. To that end we impose the absolute minimum restrictions on trading strategy and styles. The trading terms and conditions are a function of our risk management and must be followed by all traders. Please read the terms and conditions for your subscription package before trading.

How often do traders make withdrawals?

This depends on the volatility of the market. We have months where a high percentage of our traders hit targets. We never have months without withdrawals.